The Key To Love: Synopsis


A father and his daughter enjoy each other’s company in a park on a summer’s day. Ally asks her dad who she is, thus the pair embark on a life-changing conversation about love, identity and forgiveness. While Ally feels out of place in her teenage world, her father does his best to explain to her who she is and how all of humanity is connected. Her father uses examples from everyday life to help Ally understand how people are unique yet connected as one. Throughout their conversation Ally presents real life situations to her father in a quest to better understand who she is, her connection to others and the truth of Love and Fear and why people may choose one over the other.

Ally’s father helps her achieve self-acceptance though clear illustrations, guidance and patience. He shows her that once she understands and accepts Love as part of her and all of humanity she will realize that she is never alone and will always be love and loved. This is a story about love and acceptance, but also one of self-discovery and understanding. 

Readers will be inspired to find the truth of who they are and begin to live that truth which alleviates the struggle, discord, frustration, anxiety, depression, hatred, confusion and guilt in life. Readers will learn that they can choose to live under the shadow of Fear or in the light of Love and will walk away from this book feeling inspired, hopeful and at peace.


Why I Wrote The Key to Love is Knowing Who I Am

Humanity is involved in a major struggle with itself, and because of this struggle, we are seeing rising rates of extremism. The macro view of the world is the struggle of old thought processes and applications that no longer work in our constantly-evolving environment. We are holding so tightly to an old idea of who we are as individuals that we are blindly accepting the consequences in our day-to-day lives in the form of struggle, discord, frustration, anxiety, depression, hatred, confusion and guilt. Our old beliefs have influenced us and led us to believe that we, as individuals, are not enough as we are—we are less than, not worthy—and so we have created separation from those who are “worthy” and those who are not. That separation has spawned division between the groups. This thought process has us believing we are the only ones in charge of our destiny. To make matters worse, we are identifying ourselves through Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and other social media. Society is so entrenched with our “personalities” as defining who we are that the idea of another option is unfathomable. So we accept our history and thus the consequences, as part of life.

Generation after generation has taught us to look at the results of the world around us and if we don’t like those results, then we should do what is necessary in order to change them. We are so focused on results that we ignore the problem. We are so busy with technology and the constant bombardment of information that we have forgotten to stop, take a breath and ask ourselves: Who am I becoming and what is the truth of Who I am? Due to our current beliefs of who we are, collectively, and individually, we have become those people and so we’ve also created results from learning and fulfilling our identities. 

Here is a list of some of those results: murder, poverty, war, religious conflict, deception, global warming, economic instability, theft, molestation, rape, food and water shortages, lack of political freedom, and the list goes on. We, as a society, are looking at the results and trying to find ways to change them. But trying to change the result is a bandage solution that ignores the core problem. Attempts to change those results are not made in the best manner. We offer solutions for the results, for the wound or infection, but we offer no treatment for the underlying disease. The cause of such results must be addressed, or we’ll keep doing patchwork when instead, we could be rebuilding. 

The core problem is a general misunderstanding of the truth of Who I am (and I don’t just mean myself—all of us are faced with this misunderstanding). If you were to address that question and find the truth of who you are, and then proceed to live that truth, all these results would change. The truth would alleviate the struggle, discord, frustration, anxiety, depression, hatred, confusion and guilt in your life. You will understand your true life, living in a state of Love or your false life, living in a state of Fear and your right to choose to live under the shadow of fear, or in the light of love. Once we accept the truth of who we are—naturally, we all exist in a state of Love—it will be much easier to move forward.




Who is the Audience

While this book would have been easy to write just for adults, I felt compelled to take such an important topic and explain it in such a way that our adolescents would be able to understand as well. In this era of technology and the bombardment of real-time information, I believe our children are desperately searching for answers as to who they are, and what true unconditional Love is. This book, while written for adolescents, explores content that will grab the interest of young adults as well as adults, and create dialogue over its content. The questions this book asks, and the answers are written for all ages. This book can be used individually or in a class/group setting for discussion. This is a book of understanding that engages the reader in humanity’s very existence and the highly misunderstood truth of Love. As a living book (meaning that each time you read it you will get something new out of it), this book will challenge your current state of awareness, therefore it will be read, shelved and picked up several more times over the course of the owner’s life. This book and its topics are appropriate for all of humanity.